Our whole is more than the sum of our parts, but here are the parts. Founded 1997.
Anne Spencer
Senior Designer of websites and branding who knows how stuff should look.
Sven Hurty
Chief Operations Officer and Project Manager. With extensive experience in content strategy and branding for technology.
Scott Danish
CEO and co-owner, Scott’s a results-oriented senior marketing executive with experience in large enterprises and start-ups.
Brian Troutman
Senior Video Producer and director, animator, and visionary of all things video and motion.
Philip Smith
Development Lead fully versed in HTML, CSS, PHP, jQuery, and Web front-end development.
Deborah Branscum
Internationally recognized writer with decades of experience in editorial writing on technology, its implications, and impact.
Robert Granlund
Development Lead, fully versed in PHP, MySQL, AJAX, JavaScript jQuery, CSS, CMS, eCommerce.
Jillian Troutman
Senior Writer and Editor who is a creative writer turned marketing maven with a passion for brand and customer storytelling.
Barbara Lang
Senior Project Manager with
decades of experience managing cross-functional teams for software, marketing, and training.
Taylor Ciarallo
Marketing Coordinator with operations and marketing experience, Taylor guides our own initiatives with results-driven strategies, keeping us optimized and innovative.
Yohahn Ko
Senior Video Producer with a background in cinema specializing in visual storytelling and high-end video production.
Keven Smith
Senior Writer and editor with
decades experience in B2B copywriting.
Arne Hurty
Founder and Chief Creative Officer. Leading teams, strategy, and execution for 25 years.
Debbie Plawner
Senior Market Researcher for brand, product, concept testing, customer satisfaction, and awareness research for clients including HP, IBM, the University of Portland, and Chico State.
Christine Linder
Senior Designer worked with clients such as Nike, PayPal, Walmart, Johnson & Johnson, Microsoft, Dell, Gap Inc., Jobvite, and many more.
Dave Schafer
Senior Writer, Editor, and
award-winning journalist, ghostwriter, and B2B copywriter.