Are You Helping B2B Buyers Educate Themselves About Your Solutions?

B2B technology buyers consult on average five resources before making a buying decision, according to “ The 2020 B2B Buying Disconnect.” Those resources include product demos, vendor websites, reports, white papers, customer success stories, and blogs, along with third-party materials such as user reviews.

Companies can’t directly control content on user-review sites, but companies can—and must—produce enough of their own content to help prospects do their research. Among B2B technology vendors, websites, demos, and marketing collateral are the top tactics used to educate buyers, according to that report.

are just two interesting bits of data from the annual report, which seeks to take a pulse on the buying habits among companies in the technology industry. The report is from TrustRadius, a review site for business technology. I think you’ll like the report; you can download the full 64-page report here.

BayCreative brings the credibility of B2B marketing/branding/creative expertise and an impressive stable of clients. We’ve helped deploy solid marketing strategies and flawless execution time and time again for our clients, including: Salesforce, ServiceNow, Cisco, Palo Alto Networks, Airship and more!

Of course, if you need help creating the content that converts B2B technology buyers into your customers, BayCreative is here for you. Just let us know if we can help.

Stay healthy!
— Scott, Arne and Team BayCreative

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