Counter Two B2B Marketing Inhibitors Today… Advance Business Forever

To say the pandemic has made the last year challenging is an understatement. However, the pandemic is just one of the many inhibitors currently slowing business growth—and now is the best time to turn a critical eye on your B2B marketing initiatives to root out and eliminate marketing inhibitors.
This three-part series will help you do that by examining inhibitors that affect business growth. Today, we look at two inhibitors.
Differentiating Your Company
There is countless competition in the B2B market. Do you think your company is setting itself apart from the others?
Answer this question not with your own words, but with your clients’ words. Look through your customer testimonials or ask some of clients directly.
You’re looking for an emotional aspect. That’s mandatory in B2B marketing. Of course, your products/services should be resolving their issues quickly, but too many companies leave emotions out of the equation. If your clients aren’t emotionally connected to your company, you’ve become a cog in their machine, and you ARE missing on the low-hanging fruit that a lasting relationship develops.
Spend time researching your buyer personas and execute your plan to form an emotional connection. Additionally, focus on your storytelling.
Filling an Order vs. Advising and Influencing
Without a doubt, growth in a B2B market is directly aligned to communicating your authority in that space. Certainly, when customers think they know what they want, it’s easier to fill an order and move on. It’s important, however, to remember that you are the expert, and being an authority in your space, you have a unique ability to guide customers down the right path.
We are not saying that the customer is wrong. We’re saying that your marketing has an opportunity to increase their benefit with your knowledge and expand their horizons with your unique products and services. Every time you discover your potential customer’s pain points, you have an incredible opportunity to inform, excite, and go above and beyond their expectations.
When companies move forward with you, it’s a sign they believe your company will bring about a brighter future.
Coming up Wednesday (Part 2 of 3): “A Secret Weapon for Battling External Marketing Inhibitors”
BayCreative helps break through barriers that you are facing with marketing your brand, product, or service… just like we’ve done for our clients like Salesforce, ServiceNow, Cisco, DocuSign, Palo Alto Networks, Twitter, and more! If you’re interested in working with BayCreative, please go ahead and contact us—we would love to talk more.
Stay healthy!
— Scott, Arne and Team BayCreative
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